

80% attendance is required by the students in order to appear at any of the Examinations held in the school-otherwise the name of a student will be struck off if he/she remains absent continuously for 15 days without any information to the school. Irregular attendance may lead to dismissal of a pupil.


(I)    In order to pass,a student is required to obtain 40% marks in all subjects.

(ii)    Any irregularity detected during an Examination is punishable with explusion from the examination room.If discovered later,the paper will not be assessed.

(iii)    Non-attendance in all of the Test/Examination shall disqualify a student for promotion.

(iv)    All matters of promotion or failure shall vest in the school authority and the decision of the Principal shall be final and can not be reconsidered.

(v)    There are normally three Examinations-

(a)    1st Term: First Terminal Test in August(Last week)(April to August).
(b)    2nd Terminal:Second Terminal Test in Sec.(2nd week)(Sept. to Dec.).
(c)    Final Examination : Final Examination in March. (First week)(January to March) in each academic year.

(vi)    The Test copies of the First Terminal and IInd Terminal Examination are made available to the parents.Parents should readily have an idea of the students performance and take corrective measures if needed.

(vii)    The answer papers of the final exams are not shown.


    The Parent/Guardian must personally visit the school to receive the Report cards and meet the teachers to discuss their ward's progress.Parents who do not do so will indicate their disinterest in their ward's.Progress report card must be collected by parents/Guardians personally,They will not be handed over to the students,tutors,relatives or any other unauthorized persons under any circumstances.

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